Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Life and Death

Life and Death...

I found out this afternoon that the son of a family friend who has been fighting cancer for the past year past away last night. This is hard because Caleb, was only 11. He has three brothers and his parents have been going through a LOT as well. Kim, the mother, had breast cancer and is now fighting Colon Cancer. She actually had emergency surgery last night as Caleb passed away. So, it's definitely a horrible ordeal for this family. They've just been through so much. 

Losing a loved one to cancer, disease, an accident, or some other reason is hard. I've have two friends who are cancer survivors, one friend and a grandmother who are fighting cancer this very minute, family members who have passed away from heart disease, cystic fibrosis, Parkinson's disease and a stroke. It's hard seeing them suffer through chemo, radiation, memory loss, hair loss, the pain, the fatigue, etc. I just can't imagine not knowing the outcome of all the pain and suffering. 

It doesn't come easy even after you know they probably won't make it through. Losing them in the end is still hard. I'm not sure what it's going to be like when I lose my grandmother. We are really close, and she's been battling this for the past three/four years and it doesn't get any easier. It's hard to see her so frail and tired, as I remember playing baseball with her when I was younger. I thank God that she's made it this long. I was afraid that she wouldn't make it until I got back from England, and here it is 2 months later and she's still here, even though she is fading fast. She is literally the strongest woman I know. 

We take life for granted. We wish we could do this and that, or complain that life sucks. When in reality, we have it pretty good. Decent health, a beating heart. It's the Feltwell Crew motto that always comes to mind when I think of things like this. "Seizing Every Opportunity" is a vital part of living your life. Because you never know when your last day might be. 

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